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Sep 1, 2020

In this week's episode of The Grocery Insider, in association with HRA Global, we speak to Joe Welstead, co-founder and CEO of Motion Nutrition.

For more insights, consultancy, marketing and market research solutions, visit

00:00 - 08:48 minutes: Introduction to Joe Welstead

  • An insight into...

Jun 23, 2020

In this week's episode of The Grocery Insider, in association with HRA Global, we speak to Jacob Leadley, winemaker and CEO of Black Chalk and Fran Bridgewater, owner and founder of Drinks Network.

For more insights, consultancy, marketing and market research solutions, visit

0:00 - 7:35...

Jun 5, 2020

In this week's episode of The Grocery Insider, in association with HRA Global, we speak to Martin Rand, CEO of Pactum AI.

For more insights, consultancy, marketing and market research solutions, visit

00:00 - 06:15 Introduction to Martin

  • He was a project manager at Skype, moving into his own...

May 26, 2020

In this week's episode of The Grocery Insider, in association with HRA Global, we speak to Professor Lisa Jack from Portsmouth University. 

For more insights, consultancy, marketing and market research solutions, visit

0 - 5:30 minutes -

  • Introduction to Professor Lisa Jack and her move into...

May 1, 2020

In this week's episode of The Grocery Insider, in association with HRA Global, we speak to Julie Waddell, founder of Moorish Humous and Dips.

0 - 11:40 minutes Introduction to Julie

  • Julie talks to Hamish about how she started in food broadcast journalism.
  • Julie then found her passion in culinary creativity to start...